Each year West Shore Rotary holds an annual wreath sales fundraiser which helps our club to support the cities we serve, Fairview Park, North Olmsted and WestPark. Our bow tying get together at Puritas Nursery is always a fun evening. Thank you to the members who participated this year and to Dale Heyink, Puritas Nursery who provides the wreaths and hosts the event.
2024 Wreath Sale
Khory Katz
2024-11-26 05:00:00Z |
West Shore Rotary Program Chair, Don Auble presented a check to Sara Fisher from the IWASM (International Women’s Air & Space Museum) after her very informative talk at our luncheon meeting.
West Shore Rotary Program Chair, Don Auble presented a check to Sara Fisher from the IWASM (International Women’s Air & Space Museum) after her very informative talk at our luncheon meeting.
Khory Katz
2024-11-26 05:00:00Z |
The West Shore Rotary Club is excited to host Bob DiBiasio and to talk Guardians Baseball on Tuesday, March 19th and you are invited! Where: The Aviator Restaurant and Pub (20920 Brookpark Rd. Cleveland, Ohio) When: Tuesday, March 19th, 2024 Time: Networking @ 11:30am, Lunch at Noon, Speaker Starting at 12:30pm Lunch: Chef's Choice Buffet from The Aviator Please see the flyer & payment below!
West Shore Rotary Club is excited to host Bob DiBiasio and to talk Guardians Baseball on Tuesday, March 19th
Khory Katz
2024-02-28 05:00:00Z |
Fellowship, laughter and good food at our annual Christmas dinner! What a motley crew!
West Shore Rotary Christmas Dinner 2023
Luisa Heimburger
2023-12-04 05:00:00Z |
Many hands make light work, especially at tying bows on wreaths, at Puritas Nursery! Thank you Tiffany, Judy, Don, Luisa, Pat, Anne, Bob, Dan, Jesse, Bill and Dale. The wreath fundraiser was a success, thanks to all who ordered wreaths. Wreaths are ready for pick up after November 21st.
Wreath Sale 2023
Luisa Heimburger
2023-12-04 05:00:00Z |
On September 27th, 2023, the Rotary Clubs of Northern Ohio, which are comprised of District 6630, 6650 & 6600 held their annual, "End Polio Now" event at Progressive Field before the Guardians game. The event included a parade around the field and social in the Terrance Room. Current DG Brandle and former DG's carried the banner. WSRC President George Newman and WSRC Secretary Mary Ann Jackson attended the event and represented our club.
End Polio Now at Guardians Game
Luisa Heimburger
2023-10-02 04:00:00Z |
Newly appointed District Governor for the 2023-24 Rotary year, Julie Brandle, made her official visit to our club on September 19th, 2023. It was a pleasant and informative meeting. We wish DG Brandle, much success in her role this year.
DG Julie Brandle Visit
Luisa Heimburger
2023-10-02 04:00:00Z |
John Marshall High School Class of '23 graduate and recipient of a West Shore Rotary Club scholarship, Narial Rohan, rides in the North Olmsted Homecoming Parade on Sunday, August 27th. West Shore Rotary presents four $1,500 scholarships each year to graduating seniors at Fairview High School, North Olmsted High School, St. Joseph Academy, and John Marshall High School. Also shown are Rotarians Don Auble (driver), Patty Walton, and her husband, Dave Walton, who handed out pencils to kids along the parade route. (Submitted by Don Auble - Scholarship Chair)
North Olmsted Homecoming Parade 2023
Luisa Heimburger
2023-08-27 04:00:00Z |
Pictured are Rotarians that worked the 5K with chair of the event, Bill Wagner in the mix. Thank you to all who participated in the annual West Shore Rotary Club Summerfest 5k and 1 mile fun run! There were over 150 participants on the morning of July 29th, 2023 and despite the early morning rain, everyone was able to stay dry. Great work racers and be sure to join us again next year! Race results: https://runsignup.com/Race/Results/46396...
West Shore Rotary 5K 2023
Luisa Heimburger
2023-07-29 04:00:00Z |
Rob Duncan, Director of Lorain County Community Development, was the guest speaker at the WSR meeting on July 11th. Afterwards, WSR Program Chair, Don Auble, presented Mr. Duncan with a token of appreciation for a very informative talk.
Speaker Rob Duncan of Lorain Community Development
Luisa Heimburger
2023-07-23 04:00:00Z |
President, George Newman, shows off the 2023 A.Z.Baker award that The West Shore Rotary earned for 2022-2023 year. This coveted award, named after Cleveland Rotarian, A.Z. Baker, the 1995 Rotary International President, was created because of his dedication and commitment to reaching out in total service to others. This award is presented to those clubs that participated in each of the Rotary Avenues of Service.
Congratulations to The West Shore Rotary for earning this award again!
AZ Baker Award
Luisa Heimburger
2023-07-23 04:00:00Z |
On July 11th Club President, George Newman, installed Kavi Kripa, CLE Real Estate Consultants and Mary Kay Costello, Director of Public Service & Development for the city of Fairview Park, into the West Shore Rotary Club. Welcome Kavi and Mary Kay.
Welcome Kavi & Mary Kay
Luisa Heimburger
2023-07-23 04:00:00Z |
Dr. Lowell Perry, Jr., Chief Diversity Officer and VP of Corporate and Community Engagement at Greater Cleveland Film Commission was the speaker at the June 20th, 2023 lunch meeting. The talk was informative, interesting and a great visual display. Thank you Dr. Perry.
Greater Cleveland Film Commission Speaker
Luisa Heimburger
2023-07-06 04:00:00Z |
Tom Eble, The West Shore Rotary Foundation Chair, presenting a check for $1500 to Chris Garr, CEO of Youth Challenge Sports, to sponsor a youth, for their summer programming. https://www.youthchallengesports.com/
Youth Challenge 2023 Donation
Luisa Heimburger
2023-07-06 04:00:00Z |
On June 20, 2023, Nikki Matala, was inducted into the West Shore Rotary Club. Nikki is the Campus Community Relations Officer at Tri-C West Shore Campus. Welcome Nikki! Nikki was inducted by Georg Newman, President of the West Shore Rotary Club.
Welcome Nikki Matala
Luisa Heimburger
2023-07-06 04:00:00Z |
Ella Hanley, SJA ‘23 is the recipient of the West Shore Rotary Scholarship — on to Baylor University (Waco, TX). Ella Hanley at our June 6th meeting reading the essay that won her the scholarship. Congratulations Ella!
St. Joseph Academy 2023 Scholarship Recipient
Luisa Heimburger
2023-06-12 04:00:00Z |
David DeFelice, Deputy Director of Communications at NASA's Glenn Research Center, was a guest speaker at West Shore Rotary Club's June 6th luncheon meeting.
NASA Glenn Research at June 6 Meeting
Luisa Heimburger
2023-06-12 04:00:00Z |
Andrea Kellackey presenting the Dr. Newton J. Kellackey Memorial Scholarship plaque to the John Marshall High School Class of 2023 recipient, Nariel Rahmon. The $1,500 award is made annually by the West Shore Rotary Club, which serves the communities of Fairview Park, North Olmsted, and West Park.
JMH 2023 Scholarship Recipient
Luisa Heimburger
2023-06-12 04:00:00Z |
North Olmsted High School 2023 Scholarship Recipient, Olivia Bilski |
| On May 18, 2023 West Shore Rotary Club Treasurer, Jan Dawson-Fritz, awarded North Olmsted High School Honor Student, Olivia Bilski, a $1500 scholarship. Olivia will be attending John Carroll University in pre-med studies. Congratulations Olivia! |
North Olmsted HS 2023 Scholarship Recipient
Luisa Heimburger
2023-06-05 04:00:00Z |
Fairview High School Scholarship Awarded | On Tuesday, May 10th, The West Shore Rotary Club president, Georg Newman, awarded Fairview High School Senior, Jack Kelly, a $1500 scholarship. Good luck in your future endeavors, Jack. |
Fairview High School Scholarship 2023
Luisa Heimburger
2023-05-16 04:00:00Z |
Tom Eble Honored for 50 Years of Service |
| On April 28th at the Rotary District 6630 Conference & Leadership Assembly, Tom Eble, West Shore Rotary Foundation Chair and four time Past President, was honored for his 50 years of service in Rotary. Congratulations Tom! |
Tom Eble 50 Years of Service
Luisa Heimburger
2023-05-11 04:00:00Z |
West Shore Rotary Presents Bob DiBiasio Cleveland Guardians Sr. VP of Public Affairs Tuesday, May 9th, 2023 @ 11:30 AM Located at The Aviator Restaurant and Pub 20920 Brookpark Rd. Cleveland, Ohio $35 per person – Buffet lunch A state of the Guardians presentation-discussion with Bob and Q&A. Bob DiBiasio is entering his 45th season in Major League Baseball. He started with the Cleveland Indians in 1979 as Assistant PR Director, was named Director of PR in 1980, and named Vice President of PR in 1988. The Lakewood, Ohio native was promoted to his current position in 2011. His lone season away from the Tribe was 1987 when he served as PR Director for the Atlanta Braves. Pre-Register by May 4th, 2023
https://tinyurl.com/2p8289z4I Offline Registration Also Available: Through a West Shore Rotary Club Member Attend a Meeting (First and Third Tuesdays at Noon, @ The Aviator) Check Payable to "West Shore Rotary" Mailed to West Shore Rotary, c/o JM Dawson, CPA, Inc, PO Box 517, North Olmsted, Ohio 44070 Please include Name of those Attending and a Phone Number or Email Address. Invite your clients, friends, associates, spouse and others. Let’s talk Guardians! 50/50 Drawing | More
Bob DiBiasio Luncheon
Luisa Heimburger
2023-05-09 04:00:00Z |
April 18, 2023 speaker, Bill Marshall, a program manager at NASA Glenn, speaking on the Artemis project. Bill gave us a briefing on the Artemis missions to the Moon...and beyond. Bill was introduced by our West Shore Rotary President-Elect, Khory Katz
Bill Marshall, NASA Glenn Artemis Project
2023-04-23 04:00:00Z |
Our president George Newman and fellow member, Mary Ann Jackson attended the All Ohio President Elect Training Seminar (PETS) on March 10th and11th, George Newman, RI 2023-2024 President-Elect, Gordon McInally. 2023-2024 President Elects
All Ohio P.E.T.S. 2023-24
Luisa Heimburger
2023-03-27 04:00:00Z |
Kory Katz and Patricia Walton are awarded their official Blue Badge Membership badges by President George Newman. Congratulations Kory and Patty on your membership to the West Shore Rotary Club. We are glad to have you as members!
Blue Badge Certified
Luisa Heimburger
2022-12-11 05:00:00Z |
The West Shore Rotary members (group photo) and families enjoyed dinner and their company at a Christmas Dinner at the Aviator restaurant. One of our oldest members (55 years), Dick Robinson, joined us as well. What a good looking group!
Christmas Dinner Fun
Luisa Heimburger
2022-12-01 05:00:00Z |
The Fairview Park Chamber of Commerce 2022 Business Expo October 27, 2022 Our President, George Newman and Secretary, Mary Ann Jackson maned a booth at the Fairview Park Chamber of Commerce Business Expo at Great Northern Mall. Spreading the Rotary news!
Business Expo 2022
2022-11-22 05:00:00Z |
West Shore Rotary Christmas Wreath Sale The wreaths are ready for pick up at Puritas Nursery, www.puritasnursery.com. The Bow Tying was on Monday, Nov 21st. Thank you to Dale, club member and owner of Puritas Nursery for supplying the beautiful wreaths that we sold and to the following hard working bow tying team...Mary Ann Jackson, Tiffany Hill, Mark Miller, Mike Aerni, Patty Walton, Luisa Heimburger and the just in time, Bob & Anne Leusch. It was great spending an evening together with our fellow Rotarians!
Wreath Sale Update
2022-11-22 05:00:00Z |
Acknowledging Angelo Russo as our out going president for 2021-2022. A nice party and plaque was given in his honor for his tenure and our thanks. At Angelo's side is his lovely wife, Karlie. Thank you Angelo for your dedicated service to our club.
Thanks Angelo!
Luisa Heimburger
2022-10-02 04:00:00Z |
Welcome three new members to our club: Khory Katz, Jacqueline Krupp and Patricia Walton. Doing the induction honors is George Newman, President 2022-2023. Khory Katz- Financial Advisor with Edward Jones Jacqueline Krupp - Sales for Zono Technologies Patricia Walton- Education & National Park Service - Retired
New Members July 2022
Luisa Heimburger
2022-08-03 04:00:00Z |
The 2022 5K Race and 1Mile Fun Run was a huge success, the weather was perfect and the runners were many! Thanks go out to Bill Wagner, who chaired the event this year and all the previous years that we've had this fundraiser. Thanks also go out to our sponsors and the volunteers, Rotarians and non Rotarians alike (you know who you are!). We couldn't have done it without your help and dedication! Congratulations to Frank Di Lalla, fellow West Shore Rotary member, who was a participant in the race and came in second in his class. Way to go Frank! More photos enclosed...
2022 5K Race & Fun Run Success
Luisa Heimburger
2022-08-03 04:00:00Z |
Congratulations Class of 2022 West Shore Rotary Scholarship ($1,500) recipients Fairview High School Parker O. Weitzel North Olmsted High School Sam C. Gioia Saint Joseph Academy Molly E. Hanna John Marshall High School Maria Faye Palma
2022 Scholarship Recipients
Luisa Heimburger
2022-07-17 04:00:00Z |
Our District 6630 donated monies to pay for 22 complete beds (bedding an all) for the children of Lorain County. On May 14th we cut, sanded, dipped and drilled enough wood for 42 beds! What an achievement for 4 hours of work. The district project this year is to help Good Knights of Lorain County fulfill its mission to give every child a bed to sleep on. Their motto is "Every Child Deserves a Good Night" A good night’s sleep is fundamental to good health, good academic performance, and a positive way of living. Too many children in our community have to sleep on cold, hard floors or in other uncomfortable conditions. Our volunteers do their best to help them, with one bed at a time. We helped build beds at their facility at 1935 Cooper Foster Park Dr., Amherst, OH 44001 on Saturday, May 14th, 2022. It was a good thing!
Good Knights of Lorain County Project
Luisa Heimburger
2022-05-01 04:00:00Z |
Shoe Boxes for Children of the Dump in NicaraguaOur club filled 32 boot size boxes at BW3 in Fairview Park on July 10th. Our boxes will to be combined with boxes from other clubs in our District, to be shipped to the children of the dump in Nicaragua, in time for Christmas. The Westlake/Bay club, is in charge of this project district wide and will be organizing the delivery of the boxes to the children personally, with a team of Rotarians this December. Bill Wagner was the chair of the event for our club. Club members and friends chose the age and gender of the child they wanted to buy for and how many boxes for each child. It was so gratifying to know that a deserving child in Chinendega, Nicaragua will be opening a box of school supplies, clothes and toys that we personally shopped for. It warms the heart to help a child. Thank you Bill ,for organizing the event and getting the boxes to where they need to be.
Shoe Boxes for Nicaraguan Children
2018-07-10 04:00:00Z |
What does Rotary do?Eight little words give us the answer. This is a letter found in the Rotarian magazine, November 2017 issue. Written by Joseph J. Kovarik, Cottage Grove, Minn. RI President Ian H.S. Riseley expressed his concern, in the August president's message, that we have "had a difficult time conveying the scope of our work." Later he asks, "What does Rotary do?" I'd like to offer an answer in just eight words. The compact response is derived from posing three questions: What do we do? Where do we do it? How do we do it? Consider: What do we do? Improve people's lives. Where do we do it? Locally and globally. How do we do it? Through service. Such a mission-minded claim underscores our action orientation. We just observe that we are a leadership organization with a deceptively singular force: Improve peoples lives, locally and globally, through service. We can reduce our statement to six words if we adopt the portmanteau word used by Atlanta's mayor, Kasim Reed, in his speech at the Rotary International Convention: "glocal". Our alternate six-word definition of Rotary could read: Improve peoples lives glocally, through service. Your choice - eight or six words - in our continuing effort to assert the essence of Rotary.
What does Rotary do?
2018-01-05 05:00:00Z |